Because of this, the best counters against Coustilliers are Camels, Paladins and Eagle Warriors to a degree, or by outnumbering them with Halberdiers. This quirk makes Coustilliers extremely useful against slow-moving units as well however, micromanagement is very important. One way to maximize the usefulness of its charge attack is by Hit-and-Run, and this way, Coustilliers are able to diminish even armies of Halberdiers if the timing of the charge is correct.
The Charge attack does not affect buildings and is not triggered when Coustillier is attacking them. It takes 40 seconds for the ability to be recharged for both Elite and non-Elite Coustillier. entering the attack animation), it takes 0.6 sec for the Coustillier to inflict its first charged blow (marked with a unique attack animation) after which the animation switches to regular, and the Coustillier deals usual damage. Upon catching up with the enemy unit (i.e.
When trained, Coustilliers have their charge built up at maximum. in the case of a non-Elite Coustillier versus a fully upgraded Elite Teutonic Knight, the resulting charge damage will be lower than 25). The melee damage part of the charge attack can be lowered by melee armor if the latter is higher than base Coustillier attack (e.g. The Coustillier can charge its attack up to +25 (+30 for Elite) melee damage (with base melee damage inflicted as well).